Join us for our first online wānanga...
#ProtectOurWhakapapa is collab’ing with our good friends at the Donald Beasley Institute to host a series of online hui with our whaikaha whānau (disabled whānau) & their kaitiaki about their experiences and challenges when accessing health, disability and wellbeing services. The kōrero from these hui will contribute to a report to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Aotearoa. Join us for our first online wānanga 10am next Tuesday 4 August from the comfort of your own home. Drop us a comment in the comment section or email us on: and we’ll send you some info #KāoreHeTaero #ProtectOurWhakapapa #Manaaki20 #BeAGoodAncestor #TūpunaWisdom