Ko tēnei te wā!

It's been a week since we celebrated the reading of Matariki. Are you getting settled into plans for the year ahead? It’s a time to be... recommitting to reducing dependence and increasing self-sufficiency, grateful for opportunities coming our way, thankful for what we’ve received, proud of our collective effort to #ProtectOurWhakapapa during covid-19, mindful of those in need and how we can support them, sending support to our whānau affected by floods and storms over the weekend. This phase of the moon also means we need to be more vigilant and aware of what’s happening around us. So you don't burn your toast or leave your phone on the roof of the car! Ko tēnei te wā. This is the time. This is your time. This is our time. Keep focused, don't get too distracted, and enjoy the little things in life. That keeps our ngākau warm and elevates our wairua. That’s how we live well and happy lives. He oranga ngakau, he hikinga wairua. #ProtectOurWhakapapa #Manaaki20 #BeAGoodAncestor #TūpunaWisdom


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