We’re doing so good, whānau. But we CAN’T RELAX YET!

Stay home, stay close, and… It’s time to have some hard conversations. Have you thought about what you’ll do if there’s a death in your whānau - from the virus or not? Have you thought about the realities of tangihanga? Have you thought about what if Mum gets sick? Or Dad? Or Nana, or whoever’s running the whare? Then what? Who looks after the kids? Have you thought about a space where one person can self-isolate in your whare if they get the virus and you don’t want it to spread to the rest of the whānau? The more prepared we are, the better we can handle the WHAT IFS. It’s time to say to your whānau: Me kōrero tātou - We should talk. Our Whānau Plan poster has a list of 9 things for you to plan - check it out on our Raeumi / Resources page.


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